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Mission EVO (Beta)


1K View2023-05-19
DEVBLOG 028 - Beta 2.0 and Future Plan
Recently we have shipped Beta 2.0 version, bringing Mission EVO to the next stage. In the Beta 1.0 phase we have made quite a lot changes to the Ember mechanism to maintain competitiveness of EVO. And we also balanced the building and raiding mechanism for strategic PVP experiences. The core gameplay makes us more confident to move to the next stage now.
In the next stage, we will keep doing such updates to pursue better PVP experience. But what's more important, we will finish the rest of the game to make sure we are good enough for the global audience. In Beta 2.0, we will
- Do frequent updates to optimize the server and client, leading to better compatibility and better network latency.
- Do frequent hot fixes for the severe bugs identified recently.
- Start our monetization journey, of course **NO PAY TO WIN**. I assure you again we only sell skins, avatars and other cosmetics. But we should have complete functions including battle pass, stores and other systems. ( And yes we have a lot of different kinds of cosmetics including spray, ornaments, skins, weapon skins, animations, frames etc.)
- Upgrade the environment of sessions. In the future, we will have both a matchmaking system and a session list. Players will be able to choose sessions of different types from the session list freely, yet matchmaking sessions are highly competitive for players who are dedicated to intense and more fair squad PVP experience.
- Develop a better scheme for punishing toxic zergs in session list. We will develop sessions especially for zerg PVP, so if you want to zerg up, you need to counter other zergs. We won't allow zergs smashing up solo players.
- Do more functions to help players onboard, which might include better tutorials, sessions for newcomers, ingame jumplink to fandom wiki( many thanks to our wiki contributors) and more systems.
- Make better usability functions to help players gain better general experiences.
- Create more content including new vehicles, new civilization ruins, new bosses, new weapons and new facilities in the long term.
Both us and our publisher believe that we should get better prepared before the real global launch. In this case, we will indeed improve Mission EVO and try to deliver a satisfying experience to every EVOer!
(And yes, I have to say sorry again to the bugs.... will fix them soon and Pharmercy  is already working hard on collecting them and following the progress)
And one final thing, as for Solo Mode, many of you have asked when it will be available. It is already in our package now, but we still have bugs with it. For this Solo Mode, you can only join the server alone( by matchmaking) but you could still team up in the session. In the future version of Beta 2.x, we will deliver pure solo mode( I would call it Lone Wolf Mode) where the team system is totally banned.
Then the progress in Bugfixes by Pharmercy
After Beta 2.0 launched, we received lots of feedback from you guys. Thank you for telling me about the bugs! Yesterday we found that some players are having connection issues in sessions and we maintained the server to fix it. Let's keep an eye on it to see how it goes. Also, here are the bugs that we fixed on 11th May.
1. Fixed the issue that players could get inside certain rocks and build. We checked the new map before it launched, but sadly there are still some locations that players can build in textures. Like the old days, we need to fix this problem one by one on the map.
2. Fixed the issue that players occasionally could not gift beds and spawned at incorrect locations.
3. Fixed the redundant Night Owl markers on the map when players switched Sessions without quitting the Session.
4. Hide the leaderboard function and the leaderboard function will be activated in June. The kill points of the leaderboard are wrong currently, so we have to hide this function now.
5. Fixed the issue that players occasionally could not pick up Embers.
6. Fixed the issue that players occasionally faced a different direction from their vehicle when they got out.
If you have ever met more bugs, please share it with your screenshot and details in discord bug report channel. This will help us fix them more quickly!
Hope you guys enjoy Beta 2.0, much appreciated!
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jaime halliwell
jaime halliwell

I need help. my language in game needs changing to English and I don't know how to do it


Mercy Author

check u setting and language. u can change in English


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Please Fix Door Bug/Glitch, everytime we enter through a door or use stair, our character suddenly rollback to the last location near door/stair like we're being vaccum in it and no matter how we move forward our character keep getting rollback to the last locaion. Also please change the 7 days session system of your game. It is so sad and heartbreaking for us when after all the efforts, time, memories, experience, home are about to fade because of 7 days session and we have to repeat everything all over again into new session, it became repetitive and boring :( We need a permanent and stable progress in this game. Also increase the leaderboard reward because it's utterly dissapointment to receive 1-2 Ember Coins after the 7 days session? Bro, even if we didn't get into Top 5, we still gave our best in game and spent enormous time to survive! 1-2 ember coins aren't enough to compensate the 7 days of hardwork of each player.


Vivo Oppo
Vivo Oppo

so many hackers and bug users


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Alexander V2302023-04-03
DEVBLOG 027 - Welcome to Mission EVO! Hello again! I am Zed, head of the Mission EVO Dev Team. Today I am very excited to share some important news and progress about Mission EVO, which will interest many of you. Mission EVO Yes, it is not a typo, it is the new official name of EVO. Originally, "Project EVO" was a temporary code name for the game in the Closed Beta stage. The reason we called it "EVO" is based on the idea of EVOlution. Players start with nothing and keep evolving during the session. Additionally, we hope our game keeps evolving with players' preferences as well. With Open Beta starting, our game is moving to the last stage before Global Launch. Therefore, we decided to activate our official name from today, which is "Mission EVO: Survivor’s Battlegrounds". However, you can still call it "Mission EVO".
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