Battle Chasers: Nightwar - An AMAZING Turn Based RPG With GORGEOUS Art Styles
Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a game that is available on pretty much all consoles, PC and on mobile devices. This game is a premium game, coming in at 9.99USD but let me tell you, this game is definitely worth the price. The game opens up with some gorgeous 2D art animation and with a voice acted text scrawl, it introduces you to the story of the game.
You begin the game, playing as Gully. The daughter of the great warrior and leader of men, Aramus. Who has vanished. Gully has taken for herself the mighty gauntlets of her father, which give her super human strength. Along with her friends and defenders they head to the island Crescent Isle, where they hope to find out the mysteries of Mana, which seems to be amassing large amounts of Mana on the island.
Sonata Dawnstar1K2023-06-10