Spiritle is a pleasant fairy-tale board game based in an ancestral forest where fallen Souls (“Players” in-game) incarnate animals to become Spirits of the forest. Bounded to the 4 elements: Nature, Earth, Water and Fire, each character has a unique gameplay due to a special ability and the chosen skills, selected before each battle.
Sionnach, is the first character incarnated by player to discover the basics of the game. Fox, Spirit of Nature. Devoted to its element and great protector of Nature. He is a valiant fighter and a fine strategist.
Spirit easy to master, thanks to his Flair and Ruse that can reveal tiles to pair lands and Attack. In harmony with Nature from which it draws and call its strength. This versatile character can do both Attack damages with Stance Pose, or Skill damages with Seeding or Slash.
FREE-TO-PLAY on mobile and PC.
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iOS: Coming soon
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