Spiritle is a pleasant fairy-tale board game based in an ancestral forest where fallen Souls (“Players” in-game) incarnate animals to become Spirits of the forest. Bounded to the 4 elements: Nature, Earth, Water and Fire, each character has a unique gameplay due to a special ability and the chosen skills, selected before each battle.
Ollbhear the giant bear, Spirit of Earth. A mighty warrior, and a fervent defender of the Earth. He loves to fight to recognize the value of his opponents.
His ability to increase his Attack over rounds, combine with his Fury that allow him to deal an area damage with his hammer, make him the most feared late-game damage dealer. At each of these steps this bear marks its territory and shakes the land. Opponents tremble at each of his actions, causing damage to them or revealing adjacent lands.
FREE-TO-PLAY on mobile and PC.
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IOS: coming soon
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