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BrownDust2 - Adventure RPG
This..might be one of the best ones!? BrownDust2 Review

This..might be one of the best ones!? BrownDust2 Review

4K View2023-06-27
Brown Dust 2 is a strategy RPG filled with the nostalgic characteristics of old-school JRPGs, blending traditional character archetypes and turn-based combat with beautiful animations. Faithfully expanding on the strategic gameplay that the Brave Nine IP is known for, Neowiz's newest mobile title delivers an intensive tactics-filled experience where every character plays a crucial role in ensuring a victory!
Honestly, Neowiz did a great job creating this fantastic game. Besides its issues here and there, overall, I love the gameplay, features, and characters.
Good Job NeoWiz
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A mobile game everyone has been waiting for after seeing many post images, character updates, updated visuals, and more! After playing Brave, Nine, we finally have it created by Neowiz: Today's game we are looking at is Brown Dust II. Summary: Brown Dust 2 is a strategy RPG filled with the nostalgic characteristics of old-school JRPGs, blending traditional character archetypes and turn-based combat with beautiful animations. Faithfully expanding on the strategic gameplay that the Brave Nine IP is known for, Neowiz's newest mobile title delivers an intensive tactics-filled experience where every character plays a crucial role in ensuring a victory!
BrownDust2 - A Quick Review!
BrownDust2 is a RPG tactical turn based strategy RPG mobile game. Honestly, I instantly fell in love with the tactical gameplay feature of this game with superb skill animations. Superb looking waifus immediately caught my attention who look even much better during their skill animation. This game has done right work with the character artwork and animations and especially the story! I found the story content to be very detailed, vast and interesting. It felt as if, everything in the game were stringed tightly with the superb story content with great character voiceovers and lots of cool NPC characters!
Brown dust 2 : One of the Best Adventure RPG!!!
This game is simply amazing, there is a lot of character and variety of battle mechanic you can use in battle. This also include ability to craft all your character gears and the crafting gear stat can match exclusive gear sometimes. Another thing is that this game developers are very generous with event rewards and listen the players' voice and suggestions. Gacha system is also very generous, you get free 1 draw daily in all event banner and that counts toward pity system. Besides the game is completely beatable for non-spender.
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