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Every Time James Cross-Dressed (Part1)

Every Time James Cross-Dressed (Part1)

3K View2023-07-11
Hey, haven't we all been amused by the hilarious antics of the Team Rocket Trio during our childhood?
Their repeated failures and iconic catchphrases have made them unforgettable!
And speaking of Team Rocket, let's talk about James, the flamboyant member of the trio whose famous quote is "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
Today, I want to share some of the most significant disguises throughout the Pokémon series. Get ready for a blast from the past!
1.🚢  Ash and his friends board a fancy cruise ship called the St. Anne, thanks to tickets provided by two friendly but familiar-looking people.
We soon learn that they're actually Jessie and James in disguise, and their latest plan is to lure Pokémon Trainers onto the ship and steal their Pokémon!
2.As Ash and his fris enter the city, Jessie and James, disguised as Hawaiian women, kiss Ash and put leis on him.
They welcome Ash and his fris as the one-millionth, one-millionth and first, one-millionth and second, and one-millionth and third visitors to Saffron City and take them to a building to receive their prizes.
3. Inside the salon, named Salon Roquet, Team Rocket enacts their latest moneymaking scheme, running a bustling beauty parlor.💇‍♀️
4. Team Rocket pose as Egg sellers. The three have a whole basketful of Eggs that look just like Ash's mysterious Egg.🥚
Team Rocket tries to talk them into trading or buying one of their Eggs
5. Ash and his fris work temporarily for the old man to pay off their debt in Acapulco🌴, the world's greatest resort.
Business is booming, creating resentment from his main competitor. As a result, Team Rocket is employed to interfere.
6. Team Rocket notice the Underwater Ballet🩰 show poster. James is immediately interested and notes that he used to learn dance, though Jessie and Meowth have different motives. The trio decides to infiltrate the show to steal all of the Water-type Pokémon.
Stick around for more exciting updates! 😝
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