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[Gift Event] Pokemon Fill-in-the-Blank Puzzle game is coming!

[Gift Event] Pokemon Fill-in-the-Blank Puzzle game is coming!

3K View2023-08-04
⏰ Event Time: August 5th - August 7th 0:00 UTC+8
I believe most of you have played fill-in-the-blank games before. But what if we were to fill in the names of Pokémon? Do you have the confidence to try this Pokémon name fill-in-the-blank game? It's sure to be a lot of fun. To make it easier, we've provided hints for each word. Come and give it a shot!
Post your answer in our community and work together with other trainers in the community to solve challenges. All players who participate in the event will receive a special gift package: 300 diamonds, 200K coins, and 5 diamond draws as a token of appreciation. Please remember to include your game server, ID, and character name and google email.
👉For example, 
1. Moltres
2. ??
s?  UID: ?????  [Your Name][google email]
-The gift code of the rewards will be sent to players via google email within one week after the end of the event.
-Each game ID is eligible to receive the reward once.
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According to the hints, I have guessed 3 pokémons as following: 3. Squirtle 6. Articuno 8. Scizors The others are so hard to guess that drives me crazy 😭😭😭 s196  UID: 42436  Kent Gaia       kusolicon@gmail
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