Legend tells of a great and undying kingdom of Eternity hidden within our homeland.
A desolate and ravaged realm, known to the world as the Lost City.
Boundless riches and timeless enigmas lie beneath its shattered facade.
Dense fog shrouds the crumbling walls, where our people roam, awaiting the grace of Eternity.
With each flicker of candlelight, the city that fell a thousand times rises anew, and the defeated kin stand once more.
Who will emerge from the endless Eternity?
Oh Hunter, fated to traverse the myriad ruins of the Lost City, yet steadfast against surrendering to Eternity.
I see you venturing into the deepest reaches of the candlelight.
— The domain of The City of Aeterna extends to the continent of Leptis, and the brand-new Season "The City of Aeterna" commences on September 7th PDT, 2023!
"The City of Aeterna" Season Preview Livestream transpires on August 26th at 12:00 pm PDT, featuring Primocryst Redeem Code and a Season-Exclusive Portrait Frame Reward Drops.
(Portrait Frames will be distributed to Hunters through in-game Mail when the new Season begins.)
Unite with other hunters to uncover the enigmas of The City of Aeterna!
Moreover, the majority of in-game events, such as limited-time Boon events and Season Pass, will conclude with this Season. Hunters, be aware of your schedule to avoid missing these valuable opportunities.