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Crows Corner Community FAQ - Aug 30

Crows Corner Community FAQ - Aug 30

3K View2023-08-30
8/30 crows corner FAQ

Q: When a slate has a divinity effect limit for an affix that matches a talent point, will it stack once if you also chose that talent point? Ie : +1 all skill levels
A: They do stack.

Q: I was wondering about the philosophy of the development team. Do you guys tend to lean towards nerfing things that are overtuned, or try to bring things up to similar power levels?
A: This needs to be looked at specifically, as the adjustment logic is based on the root cause of the issue, not the result. For example, in the last Season, the outstanding Evade build, which stacked a large amount of Evasion through "Additional +(16-25)% Defense from Chest Armor," was beyond our expectations. Therefore, in combination with other design aspects, we comprehensively evaluated and decided to adjust the algorithm mechanism, changing some of the multiplicative stacking to additive stacking. However, when looking at existing Heroes and their traits, we strengthened them by adjusting the mechanism and values so that they can also adapt to the current environment and strength.

Q: The Korean translations seem to have quite a few errors. There are inappropriate words, inconsistent skill names or traits, and descriptions left untranslated in English. Often, these issues cause a lot of confusion for both new and existing users. Therefore, are you considering recruiting users to help with translations or reviews?
A: If players find translation issues, they can provide feedback in the translation-feedback channel on Discord, and we will regularly collect player feedback on the issues.

Q: "Recently you've said that Demolisher skills will have some care in a season after. However there are also Terra skills with quite similar but less impactful/important charge mechanics. Moreover Spell Burst and Terra charges have the same base idea of bonus received for rare use of a skill, but Spell Burst is 100 times better. Are you happy with Terra charges, or we may expect some changes for them as well?"
A: We are not quite satisfied with it either, but we don't have time to optimize it for now, as we have a lot on our plate for SS2 (Season 4). We will re-examine the entire ground mechanics in SS3 (Season 5).

Q: 1) Will you ever add third traits for existing heroes?
2) Trait system confuses newcomers, they often think that another trait can be selected by a leveled hero after purchasing. Pls, add more info about the trait system for them (or revamp traits into togglable spec like PoE ascensions).
3) There is wording "specialization" instead of "trait" unique for relics and memories. What's the intention of it?
A: 1. Gemma now has Trait 3.
2. There will be no adjustments for the time being, as Hero Trait represents the possibility of the Hero in another storyline, which is different from the job change.
3. "Specialization" or "trait"all refer to “trait”, there is a mistake in the wording.

Q: Players can see only twitching numbers of Command rating due to its decay. Adding more Command per second feels like throwing stones in a pond: there are some waves, but the water level is the same. Could you provide us detailed info on calculation of this decay? What is the average dmg increase gained from say 10 Command/sec?Could you revise the rules of decay (value, frequency, order of calculation), so we can see a meaningful number in buff?
A: We will explain the operation of this mechanism in the help manual for the new season.

Q: So is coop scrapped or is it coming later this year?
A: Multiplayer mode is still being optimized, and there is no definite timeline for now. Please refer to our official announcements for updates.

Q: While using bow attack sentries trigger Burst, it does nothing because it only works with melee weapons. So Burst(attack) removes Darkchaser buff. So is this intended or not?
A: We checked and this should be a bug. We will make it conform to the description, so that the buff will only be lost when using attack skills.

Q: With the next season changes to affix calculations stacking, it is unclear if it also affects affixes like +30% additional evasion from chest armor. For example if I have 4 divinity corners each with this affix, can you confirm if the total bonus is 1.3^4=2.85 multiplier (185% additional evasion) or 30%x4=120% additional evasion.
A: It is additive.

Q: Hi. There are few disputes on incoming changes:
1) At the stream Ian said calculated bonuses provided by the _same_ affixes are added together" about multiplicative modes and there are 3 different interpretations. Will changes affect:- only affixes "+X% additional stat per Y layer" as were examples;- also identical affixes on different items/talents, like 2 divinity slates with the same nodes, especially Defense ones;- all additional bonuses to the same stat will add first (like "additional dmg to Life" do)?
2) What changes are expected to avoid base numbers? Related items (Dumb Voice, Skin of Malice) buffs look huge.
3) How big is mitigation, monsters gain from their armor? Tell at least some rough value, pls. Will enemy armor reduce player's Elemental or Erosion damage?
A: 1) Within the same affix, it is additive, for the same name but different affixes, it is still multiplicative.  Most damage reduction affixes are multiplicative, and we will add explanations for all affixes that still maintain multiplicative stacking.
2) We will control the scale of such attributes.  For evasion, we changed [Additional +% Chest Armor Evasion] to [+% Chest Armor Evasion], changing it from multiplicative to additive.
3) The enemy's armor mechanism is the same as the player's, so it will also mitigate elemental damage and erosion damage.  The highest level monsters have a 50% damage reduction for all types of damage, with the physical damage reduction coming entirely from armor, and the elemental and erosion damage reduction coming from resistance.

Q: There's a statement In Balance adjustments that sais: "In the previous version, these two skills could summon a total of 6 Machine Guards, but now they can only summon 4." Does this also mean that the overall default Maximum of synthetic troops is reduced from 6 to 4?
A: No, the default overall maximum of synthetic troops will remain 6, but in the coming season, if you place two same minion skills, like guardians, these two skills will share their summon maximum. For example, the summonable number of the first skill is 5, then you could only summon at most 5 minions with these 2 skills, or  you change the skill summonable minions number into 6. In this season, players could summon 6 minions with Mechanical Modification by using 2 summoning skills in the way of “3+3”, but in the coming season this will be impossible. For compensation, we will buff some other aspects of minions.

Q: There's this new system with Soul Candles. How many Soul Candles can we socket into our Skills overall? In the live stream there were only shown 2 Sockets for 1 Skill. Is it overall only 2 Soul Candles? Is it 2 sockets for EVERY active skill slot? Or is it even 2 sockets for EVERY active and passive skill slots?
A:You could unlock 2 soul candles at most, with one soul candle for each slot.

Q: There's a line in Balance changes that says: "Overload Buff Removal Affix: +30% Attack and Cast Speed, +10% Chance to Deal Double Damage" for both Moto - Order Calling and Moto - Charge Calling. That wording is unclear and frustrating for me personally. The same changes for other heroes there're statements like "Remove Affix" and "New Affix Added". But with Moto I personally may think of those lines ``Overload Buff Removal Affix: +30% Attack and Cast Speed, +10% Chance to Deal Double Damage" as if it gives those effects to Minions on Overload status expiring on the Minions. Am I correct or is it just inconsistent wording throughout the Hero adjustment changes?
A: No, in the basic description of Overload this season writes the effect. In the coming season, we remove some effects of overload and add new effects, but the overload mechanic will stay the same, minions will get buffed after getting overload.

Q: There is a showcase of new Netherrealm changes in the announcement stream. Can you share more about the Netherrealm gameplay loop? It is unclear what's going on with the cards on maps during a round of confrontation. Are there only 3 Confusion cards being dealt to a region? How do we get more confusion cards on the plane? How do we exactly gain Confusion cards to progress? Do we need to complete the exact map with this confusion card to +1 progress on it or do all cards get +1 when we complete ANY map on that region?
A:At the beginning of each region, 3 Chaos Cards will be dealt. Each Chaos Card has its own progress requirement to take effect, with 3 types: 2/4/6. For example, if you play a Chaos Card that requires 4 progress, the remaining two Chaos Cards will disappear first, and the played Chaos Card will randomly appear in another level. You can only continue to play this type of Chaos Card until its progress is completed, and then 3 new Chaos Cards will be immediately dealt.
It is worth noting that before the progress is full, the Chaos Card will only have the drop quantity bonus take effect, but the additional effects will not be activated. Taking the previous example, there is a Chaos Card with a progress of 4, and its additional effect is that N treasure chests appear in the level. So, for the first 3 times you play this Chaos Card, only the drop quantity bonus will take effect. When you play it for the 4th time, the additional effect will be triggered: N treasure chests will appear in the level.
The main purpose of this design is to reduce the burden on players. We hope that players will not think too frequently but instead have a slight thought every few levels.

Q: 1. About Gemma Flame Of Pleasure (Branding) does Reap Purification help this to become more stronger? Or is it a different damage multiplier?
2. About New skill Archery Bond- does this help for sentry skill like frost core?
3. On the patch notes it's said that fine embers and precious embers will not be used for crafting, does this mean this will be obsolete? Then, what currency will we use other than ultimate embers?
A:1) It will indeed help, but we hope you will discover more detailed combinations.
2) As long as it is a projectile skill, it will be helpful.
3) There is also Truth Ember, which has the same effect as before.

Q: Drapion Lady is a Spirit Magus focused Legendary pactspirit that gives +40% Origin of Spirit Magus effect. New Spirit Magus focused Hero - Iris disables Origin of Spirit Magus buff which makes Drapion Lady pactspirit useless. Do you have plans to change the pactspirit to be useful again for Iris?
A:There are no plans to adjust for the time being.

Q:1.  I know that blessings are added to accessories by crafting.  Can I use multiple blessings like the previous Chaotic Ending?(Chaotic Ending can have up to 3 Concentration Blessing +1.
2.  As of season 3, only one skill level could be applied to Precious Ember.  However, in Season 4, Ultimate Emberd's options are now known to be applied without limits.  In Season 4, Precious Ember also wonders if it is possible to create options that were previously grouped in the same category.  (Ex: Summon Level + Lightning Level)
3.  Is it possible to know the goods consumed when customizing from the first option of an item?  Through the currently released video, it is known as 1 Flame Elementium when going 3-> 4 options, and 3 Flame Elementium when going 4-> 5 options.
4.  I know that the chance of success when making Ultimate Ember's options is 5% including t0.  Does the material just disappear in case of failure?Also, does Ultimate Ember go into customization?
Thank you for making a patch that makes next season fun.
A:1) There can only be one blessing upper limit affix on a ring.
2) Precious Ember has been removed, and Ultimate Ember will only be used in T1 to T0 upgrades.  Most of the crafting process will not consume Ember now.
3) Reforging costs 3 FE, and the cost of targeted crafting does not increase with the number of affixes on the current equipment.
4) The function of Ultimate Ember has been completely redone and will only be used in T1 to T0 upgrades.  The success rate of upgrading is 100%, but it will randomly remove one of the other affixes on the equipment.  The equipment will not disappear.  All Ultimate affixes have been added to the regular affix pool (except for some affixes that we think have little effect), the strength has been balanced, and targeted crafting can be done.
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