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Champion Shift
Celestial Gift Spotlight: Labyrinth of the Minotaur

Celestial Gift Spotlight: Labyrinth of the Minotaur

732 View2023-10-10
Greetings Champions! In this celestial gift spotlight, we descend into the heart of Greek mythology and the legendary Labyrinth of the Minotaur. Embrace the raw might and unrelenting fury of this mythical beast to turn the tide against the Dominion and assert yourself on the battlefield!
With this celestial gift, enemies that are knocked back become living projectiles, dealing damage to any unfortunate foes they collide with. Picture the chaos as the Dominion forces are sent flying by your devastating strikes, turning their own ranks against them.
The Minotaur's rage knows no bounds. On each weapon hit, there's a chance to apply a delayed explosion to enemies. This explosive effect deals additional damage to nearby enemies when triggered. Watch as your enemies are caught in the fiery aftermath of your attacks, their ranks decimated by the power of your fury.
The Minotaur's strength is unparalleled, and with Bull Rush, you can tap into its primal frenzy. Should you manage to vanquish four enemies within a single second, the Minotaur's rage is unleashed. This frenzy greatly increases your movement and attack speed for a brief but glorious time.
Furthermore, acquiring one of each of these gifts bestows upon you additional knockback on weapon hits. Your every strike becomes a force to be reckoned with, sending your enemies sprawling and disrupting their formations.
Harness the power of the Labyrinth of the Minotaur, channel its fury, and become the unstoppable champion you were destined to be. With Minotaur Slam, Reverberating Blow, and Bull Rush, you will crash through the Dominion forces like an unstoppable tempest, leaving chaos and devastation in your wake.
Stay tuned for more celestial gift spotlights as we unveil the diverse array of powers you can wield in Champion Shift!
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