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Knives Out
Knives Out - Emulated Man's Posts - TapTap

2K View2024-01-17
Overall : 4.2/5
👍 Pros:
🎮 Gameplay: 4/5
Not that great in terms of comparison to other games like PUBG and CODM. It's better than FreeFire tho 👌. There are no special niches in combat mechanics.
🕹ī¸ Controls: 4.5/5
Controls are great 👍. You can definitely fine tune them to your liking. Love the wide range of customizability in controls ( but it's not that special).
🎨 Graphics: 4/5
Graphics options are definitely present. But they change little to nothing. I had my graphics option on Max FPS and Max Graphics and it didn't feel fluid nor did it feel 👁ī¸ pleasing. Potato đŸĨ” Graphics were horrendous btw.
đŸŽĩ Sound: 4.2/5
Definitely love the ability to have high quality audio in my game to maximise đŸ’¯ wins. But its already been implemented in PUBG but this game had extra options such as headphone 🎧 type ( btw this really affects gaming )
đŸ‘Ĩ Matchmaking: 4.8/5
You have to love fast Matchmaking which is a rarity these days in Battle Royale games. This had me in a game in 5-10 seconds. The only downside was the lobby waiting time.
👎 Cons:
đŸ¤ŧ Combat Mechanics:
It's just bland plain old combat mechanics like in other games like PUBG, CODM and etc. This is the only thing that holds this game from a 5/5.
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Sound options are on point, exactly what we need for BR games.


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👍 Pros: 🎮 Gameplay: 5/5 Hardcore and Tactical gameplay unlike the mobile counter part. It's slow and it's takes time to master. It's a bit stressful and makes you rage quit but rewarding when you get a kill. 🕹ī¸ Controls: 4.5/5 Controls are nothing less than perfect. With realistic recoil this game makes you want to learn it's controls. Only issues are QoL (Quality of Life) issues. đŸ¤ŧ Combat Mechanics: 5/5
Emulated Man4682023-10-16
🎮 Gameplay: Spend resources to make numbers go up and watch your characters battle 4/10 📖 Storyline: Easily irrelevant and uninteresting, you can skip without worrying, characters aren't charismatic and won't shut up lol 2/10 🎨 Graphics: L2D with warnings for photosensitive people, seriously why jiggle the entire screen? To make people dizzy? Character design of this game used some kind of drug 3/10
👍 Pros: game have similarities like codm,pubgm,apexm, warzone mobile.. 👎 Cons: nothing new. Just the same as other game but with a bit difference. 🎮 Gameplay: I like the game and plan to continue playing maybe until I got bored of it. Wish they add new things like more mini games... 📖 Storyline: there's none, probably in the future..who knows 🕹ī¸ Controls: Good, it's FPS(first person shooter), no third person
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