I had the chance to test the Delta Force Mobile beta, and after several hours of gameplay, here’s my detailed review of what the game has to offer. Is it still too rough at this stage?
➖ Graphics – ★★★★☆
Visually, Delta Force Mobile performs quite well for a mobile game. The environments are detailed, the weapon models are decent, and the lighting effects are convincing. Explosions and shadow effects, in particular, add realism to the firefights. However, performance isn't always smooth, especially on older devices. Some textures also take a while to load.
Verdict: Looks good, but still needs optimization.
➖ Gameplay – ★★★★☆
The game offers an experience that sits between a tactical FPS and an arcade shooter. The combat is fast-paced, and the different classes bring real diversity to gameplay. I particularly enjoyed the "War" mode (32v32), where coordination is key. There is also an "Operations" mode, similar to Escape from Tarkov, where the objective is extraction.
However, weapon balancing still needs improvement—some guns are clearly overpowered, which can be frustrating in multiplayer. Additionally, the AI in PvE missions is inconsistent, switching between completely brainless and unbeatable sniper-level accuracy.
Verdict: An interesting gameplay experience, but it still needs adjustments.
➖ In-Game Purchases (PC Version) – ★★★☆☆
‼️Now, this is something to watch out for. While Delta Force Mobile appears to avoid being fully pay-to-win, the economic system is quite aggressive. Many cosmetics are locked behind paywalls, and some weapon skins provide minor stat boosts, which could become problematic.
On the other hand, the in-game marketplace is a good idea—it allows players to trade items with each other, slightly reducing the impact of microtransactions. However, it remains to be seen how fair this system will be in the long run.
Verdict: Not fully pay-to-win, but the store is definitely present.
➖ Mobile Controls – ★★★★☆
Playing an FPS on mobile is always a challenge, but here, the controls feel well thought out. The touch controls are customizable, and the aim assist is subtle but helpful.
However, on larger maps, aiming precisely can be difficult without a controller. As with many mobile shooters, the HUD can sometimes feel too cluttered, making the screen a bit overwhelming.
Verdict: Enjoyable to play, but controller support would be a great addition.
Conclusion – ★★★★☆
Delta Force Mobile is a pleasant surprise, with solid gameplay and convincing graphics. The beta shows a promising game, though it still needs work on balancing and optimization. The game requires at least 6GB of RAM to run properly and a mid-to-high-end processor. 👍
If you enjoy tactical FPS games with a Battlefield touch, this game might be for you. However, be wary of microtransactions, as they could become a sensitive issue upon release.
Final Rating: 4/5 – An ambitious mobile FPS, but still a work in progress normal for a beta.. ( Some pictures come from Google)
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