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HAAK Reviews

HAAK Reviews

Best 2D Pixel Art (Metroidvania) for Android devices and ios

Best 2D Pixel Art (Metroidvania) for Android devices and ios

《 勇敢的哈克(HAAK)》深度遊玩心得 一款適合“菜逼”的高難度遊戲

Blingame可口遊戲工作室動作跳臺類獨立遊戲,終於上移動端了。在《勇敢的哈克》的末世的廢墟世界中去冒險!玩家需要在荒涼的未來廢土中不斷探索,同時與盤踞已久的神秘組織鬥智鬥勇,破解層層謎題,擁抱這個世界的終極秘密。本篇是小弟深度遊玩steam版本的心得,應該同樣適用於手機版本,歡迎大大們與我交流! 「動作冒險」 ×「末世背景」 ×「Meta元素」成為地球最後一片淨土上的 “ 三河大神 ” 吧!! 完整的劇情和世界觀設定 豐富的關卡設計 豐富的收集內容 較高的難度 上週五我們非常匆忙地提交了一個測試包,原本只是想蹭下“TapTap新品節”的熱度,但是其實新品節已經開始很久,只能算中途加入,所以也沒做太多準備,甚至沒有任何宣傳,因為我們估計也沒什麼人玩,反正就是把APK包提交上去就沒管了,想著能有幾個人玩就幾個人玩吧。——N年前製作者的話 《勇敢的哈克》是一款國產的類銀河惡魔城,其原版的發行日期已然是多年前的事情了,手機移植上,作者應該是預謀已久。作為一款中途加入遊戲節的遊戲,顯然作者們還未做好準備,不過在如今遊戲匱乏的環境,其出色的內容,還是值得很多人喜歡,以至於長期在熱門榜上。《勇敢的哈克》雖然已經發行了許久,但是很不幸的是,他當初一直處於測試中,玩家玩的都是,不過相較而言,也是會比手機版本更多的,遊戲內容還是更多的。說迴游戲,《勇敢的哈克》是一款“國產”的類銀河惡魔城,其遊戲背景是以廢土朋克為主,整個故事也是圍繞著世界觀展開的,之所以強調“國產”,是因為《勇敢的哈克》中有大量關於文化的描述,是屬於中國獨有的文化。
《 勇敢的哈克(HAAK)》深度遊玩心得   一款適合“菜逼”的高難度遊戲

HAAK Review (PC) - Gaming with Joy

HAAK is a fast-paced and stylish Metroidvania set in a post apocalyptic world that's very fun to explore. You play as Haak, a young man who's mission is to find his lost brother while uncovering the secrets of this giant cyber-wasteland. There is a lot to collect and especially acquiring new fight or movement based abilities is very enjoyable, because the level design consists of a lot of cool platforming and dangerous areas that are well balanced if you practice your skills.
HAAK Review (PC) - Gaming with Joy

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Haak Mobile

It's a 2D post-apocalyptic metroidvania with puzzle solving and hacking elements My Gameplay 📖 Storyline: It is set in a world devastated by disaster.  The once glorious city has been reduced to ruins and the survivors struggle for survival.  In the south, a land called Sanho has remained mostly unscathed by the calamity thanks to its unique geographic environment and has become a sanctuary of sorts.  The protagonist, Haak, is a traveler from a small northern town.  He chose to leave his home and ventured south to survive.🎮
Haak Mobile

Haak Game Review (Pros And Cons)

                            Haak PROS 1. Fantastic visuals. Game looks great, feels great, animation is fantastic and smooth.  It is easy to see that a lot of work has been put into making the game look good. 2. Sound design. Haak have great ambient sounds, music during intense fights and sfx that are pleasant to the ear on activities like weapon swinging, using skill or even opening a store terminal

One of the best platformer puzzle adventure Ive ever played.

I loved Haak visual and audio design, game looks fantastic and control feels smooth. Animations are on point as well, although there are some serious drawbacks as well that were really annoying. We will talk about all that in this review. Haak is a platformer action-puzzle adventure game where you take a role of a sole adventurer who is looking for his brother. On your journey you will encounter multiple puzzles, jumping sequences, enemies and bosses. You will use different skills and tools in order to go though the game.
One of the best platformer puzzle adventure Ive ever played.

To Haak or not to Haak

Ok where to start ... Retro coolness ☑️ Cool main character ☑️ Responsiveness and Virtual button layout are 🤔 ....well it seems folks want you to play this almost crab style, every now and then it is difficult to pull off new combos that you know you could do if the responsiveness worked right at the moment . But that's the problems with most games you can never ever have what we think is perfect ...the leveling in the game or pacing or even both is good . I noticed that everything is very Castlevania/Metroid ..😁

Smooth Adventure experience - HAAK [First Impressions] Gameplay

Haak is a platformer action-puzzle adventure game where you take a role of a sole adventurer who is looking for his brother. On your journey you will encounter multiple puzzles, jumping sequences, enemies and bosses. You will use different skills and tools in order to go though the game. More in this First Impressions/ Review video from 2022. This video is more of a quick review on the new game. Gameplay looks pretty promising, specifically with all the copycats in its Genre. A lot of unique mechanics and interesting ideas!
Smooth Adventure experience - HAAK [First Impressions] Gameplay

Sweet game, but...

... I am not going to watch an ad just to load my last save.  It's quicker to restart the app entirely, but that gets annoying, too.  This means I can only play in short bursts, and that's a real shame, because the gameplay is very good.  The ad to reload thing is not cool.  Don't do that.


👉🏻一款类Metroidvania手遊 ~ 📖故事發生在一個廢土末世,意外闖入城市廢墟的主角哈克獲得了神奇的手套,將在這繁榮之地上一路闖關,不斷經歷事件,最終獲得成長。 角色的死亡將獲得更多的菜幣,使用菜幣可以提升哈克,讓哈克越發強大! ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! 👇 🎮遊戲名:勇敢的哈克 ✅Metroidvania/動作/解謎 📑 ⚔️簡單的動作效果,複雜的技能組合,讓戰鬥更加靈活。 🥬死得越多,菜幣越多,角色的強度也越發強大。 📽️動畫細節豐富,動作過渡絲滑,表現力極強! 🎫遊戲劇情深入淺出,故事內涵多,表達能力強! 🚗局內機關複雜,地圖探索內容多!

Definitely looking forward to this one!!

I saw this game on Steam before. A very interesting metroidvania game featuring a unique background setting. I've played some metroidvania games before (was once heavily tortured by Hollow Knight ngl) and this one has done a good job in terms of map exploration from my perspective. Definitely would like to know what it feels like to play this game on mobile!!
Definitely looking forward to this one!!

This game is simply great.

I really can't explain it in more words. This is simply a great game. I haven't completed it and have played it till the last place or map or what ever you wanna call it but its just very good. i want you to give it a try.

a 2D SciFi Platformer you should start

not every gamer are interested in pixelated old school retro games, but HAAK gives the best first impression to get you start searching them up on google, truss 😏. gameplay is simple but gets challenging when it's calls for it, every level is actually a whole map you can explore and discover, and boy the soundtrack... the soundtrack lets you know you're in a whole different world you moment you even open the game.

Haak PROS and CONS. Is it worth it?

Haak is a fantastic game, that have a lot of good sides and several pretty decent weak points. In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of HAAK so you can decide if this is the right game for you. PROS 1. Fantastic visuals. Game looks great, feels great, animation is fantastic and smooth.  It is easy to see that a lot of work has been put into making the game look good. 2. Sound design. Haak have great ambient sounds, music during intense fights and sfx that are pleasant to the ear on activities like weapon swinging, using skill or even opening a store terminal
Haak PROS and CONS. Is it worth it?


My specifications - It's tested on low specs for more fps you might try another!  Vivo Y75 8gb ram 128 gb rom Gameplay:- HAAK is a 2D-Action Adventure game embarked with a mysterious mc.It's Steam ported to Android devices now.Enjoy the gameplay.The specifications are not needed high needed just 4 to 8gb ram or better with atleast 64 gb storage.Also needed atleat dual or quad core processor with 8 gb ram.If we talk about the graphics card it's minimum requires 9800 gt for lag free experience. I get 60 to 80 fps on Android. I haven't tested on pc because my pc is still repairing so please 🥺 sorry for that.

'HAAK' review

Really good Metroidvania that I nearly missed because it had the appearance of a stealth game. I enjoyed the tone and graphics of the game. I also like that the designers did not aim for difficulty merely for the sake of difficulty, as this approach ultimately ruined my experience with other recent games that aimed for a souls-like or fully hardcore platforming experience.
'HAAK' review

Love this game

Im not really good with this kind of games but I love everything so far. At the moment trying to complete some maps while I wait the next update. I need to know where's Baak too x.x


this is my favorite game ... and it's beautiful graphic design , animation , story and also I love the little details in it

'HAAK' review

Excellent game. Hats off to dev team
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