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Rec Room - Play with friends! Reviews

Rec Room - Play with friends! Reviews

I Never Expected to Play through a Tense Horror Thriller in Rec Room

Like many of today's most popular games, Rec Room is all about that user-generated content. If you've never played it, think of it like Roblox or like Fortnite's creative mode, but with weird floating avatars that were built for virtual reality first. Don't worry if you don't have a headset, though, as Rec Room has since been made available on basically everything, from non-VR PCs to PlayStation and Xbox platforms to Android and iOS phones.
I Never Expected to Play through a Tense Horror Thriller in Rec Room
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Actually not bad

Actually not bad
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Damn that’s looks GOOD!

Damn that’s looks GOOD!
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Rec Room - Play with friends! News

Game in the works! ^TELECOM will be a new pvp that offers different gamemodes and features!

Not really that good but it’s fineπŸ™‚

Not really that good but it’s fineπŸ™‚
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Rec ο»ΏRoom possible suggestions

I ο»Ώlove rec room for it's fun gameplay and it's interesting customization but a couple thing's ithink would make it even more impressive is this it would be ported to Nintendo switchto make rec room to  be on every platform. Also maybe adding a new game where it's a 1v1 and each player can pick there weapons.
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!


I've played Rec Room on my Xbox it's amazing!
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Rec Room - Play with friends! Entertainment

An Xbox cover for Rwc Room I made a looong time ago
i modeled some power armor from fallout
Excuse me but what is this overpriced pop up i just got and why is it 70 dollars?!
Recroom Fullbody chilling/trolling. This is what happened.

Good luck out there!

Rec room is like a good game you can chat and go live with others ο»Ώ and be friends with them for life and party up and play with more games with friends create your own games how and have fun in rec room
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Pretty goood ig

Pretty goood ig
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Why to get RecRoom

Welcome to Recroom the social game where you can meet people all around the world. There is many activities to play such as paintball, quest for the golden trophy, showdown and more. You can meet new people and make new friends. Play games together and overall have a good time.
Why to get RecRoom
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

They ran out of ideas 😭

They ran out of ideas 😭
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Kinda cool

Kinda cool
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

'Rec Room - Play with friends!' review

Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Rec Room review ;)

i love rec room it's a really good game like on vr headsets like meta quests bc on idk i just wanna mention rec room
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Actually not bad

Actually not bad
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

'Rec Room: Play with Friends' review

super fun app, tons of games inside it with character customization and voice chat, along with great graphics! Must buy!
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

Amazing game, but the new android controls...

This game is amazing to say the least, but with the new awkward mobile controls, and with them not being customizable, the game got a lot worse for me. My solution would be to make an option so you can turn the old controls on and off when you want, or just make the controls customizable, but that's just me I guess. It's still an amazing game, but devs, please fix the new awkward mobile controls.
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!

'Rec Room - Play with friends!' impression

because i can play with friend when you are bored
Rec Room - Play with friends!
Rec Room - Play with friends!
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