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Revelation M -CBT Reviews

Revelation M -CBT Reviews

Its individual gameplay elements shine, but overall it feels unpolished | CBT Review - Revelation M

✨Overview Revelation M, also known as Revelation: Infinite Journey or Revelation: New World in other regions, is a MMORPG mobile game and an adaptation of the well-known global IP - Revelation Online - one of the most popular MMOs in Asia. After being released in areas such as SEA earlier this year, the global version, now titled Revelation M, is currently in closed beta testing, with a server open for the NA (North America) region.
Its individual gameplay elements shine, but overall it feels unpolished | CBT Review - Revelation M
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

Real MMO

When I see an “MMO”, I’m immediately skeptical about the game, because most often it’s a donation dump, in which everything comes down to monotonous gameplay, where you can’t even really interact neither with the world nor with other players, but in this game, surprisingly, there is a piece of each element that touches and awakens the desire to explore endless spaces, because around every turn something new and unusual awaits you, which will somehow affect the gameplay, constantly adding to your desire to continue learning. This is the good old Perfect World, only a little younger, just in its infancy.
Real MMO
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

The game prioritized action and required players to be constantly engaged.

The game's graphics are visually stunning, and we didn't encounter any performance issues, except for some slow character loads in crowded areas. This is crucial because the combat in the game is incredibly fast-paced. Players must manually dodge telegraphed attacks marked on the ground, so any lag would be a major problem. Playing as a Swordmage, our character was focused on magic combat. Surprisingly, the sword element seemed unnecessary as all our skills were ranged-magic focused. We had to actively dodge incoming attacks, maintain distance, and switch between three elemental stances to alter the damage output of our spells.
The game prioritized action and required players to be constantly engaged.
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

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Not too bad

This game is not banger by actually it's very good. I tried the and for this kind of game. It's more like. Noah's heart or another game same water . Personally, I've seen games worse than this one. So it'll give it a seven out of ten . three stars
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT


👉🏻一款卡牌放置RPG。 🪄遊戲畫風可愛,雞雞的對話也很風趣。休閑的掛機放置,自動戰鬥解放雙手,組建自己的超雞戰隊,通過關卡挑戰收集各種資源,不斷提升隊伍的戰力,挑戰終極BOSS。 ‼️喜歡的話就趕緊下載體驗啦! - 🎮遊戲名:超雞英雄 ✅卡牌|放置|角色扮演 🪄 ⚔️ 采用自動戰鬥,挑戰闖關掛機放置相結合,輕松升級休閑收集資源。 ⭕️ 戰前排兵布陣,根據不同屬性英雄安排站位,是戰鬥獲勝的關鍵。 🌟 關羽、李白、牛魔王、孫二娘等耳熟能詳的人物角色登場,他們將化身為超雞英雄。 🔺 收集眾多擁有不同特色能力的超雞英雄,並升級突破,選擇搭配組成專屬小隊。 ☀️ 掛機收集太陽花,積累一定數量後可開啟寶箱,獲得神秘獎勵。

Is revelation m worth your time?🧜🏼‍♀️♡࿐

Revelation m infinite journey is a Chinese fantasy styled MMO that provides customization and multiple classes to choose from in the beginning of the game. Classes range from healers to damage dealers. You can pick 2 choices on how you want your character stats to be by picking the options provided. After you have completed this you get dropped onto a ship to begin your journey. 👍 Pros: The graphics are really beautiful and give lots of customization options for your characters face. The scenery and landscape is very beautiful providing alot to take in when you first join the game. You’re able to fly and explore a decent amount of the open world provided.
Is revelation m worth your time?🧜🏼‍♀️♡࿐
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

Is revelation m worth your time?🧜🏼‍♀️♡࿐

Revelation m infinite journey is a Chinese fantasy styled MMO that provides customization and multiple classes to choose from in the beginning of the game. Classes range from healers to damage dealers. You can pick 2 choices on how you want your character stats to be by picking the options provided. After you have completed this you get dropped onto a ship to begin your journey. 👍 Pros: The graphics are really beautiful and give lots of customization options for your characters face. The scenery and landscape is very beautiful providing alot to take in when you first join the game. You’re able to fly and explore a decent amount of the open world provided.
Is revelation m worth your time?🧜🏼‍♀️♡࿐
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

Set in a breathtaking world with a focus on the skies and seas | CBT Impressions - Revelation M

Set in a breathtaking fantasy world with a focus on the skies and seas, Revelation M casts players as new adventurers embarking on a journey of exploration, discovery, and adventure. To start off, Revelation M boasts an extensive character customization system, allowing players to fine-tune every aspect of their avatar, including gender, appearance, and class. The available classes, such as Swordmage, Occultist, Paladin, Blademaster, and Spiritshaper, provide diverse gameplay experiences.
Set in a breathtaking world with a focus on the skies and seas | CBT Impressions - Revelation M
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

Beta testing Revelation Mobile Global!!

Awesome game! Graphics is insanely good! Highly optimized! Openworld , Detailed character customization... What can I say, give this a try! The only downside is auto play options, but this wouldn't be helpful in boss dungeons and pvp. 🥲 What are u waiting for? Click the video!!
Beta testing Revelation Mobile Global!!
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT

Revelation M -CBT GAMEPLAY

As ever with Asian MMORPGs the character creation/customization was pretty impressive with so many hairstyle options and sliders to tweak the look of your character, it was a refreshing change from the bog standard selection of pre-generated looks and something we always love spending a little time playing with.
Revelation M -CBT
Revelation M -CBT
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