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【Developer VLOG】Concept Design - Valhalla

【Developer VLOG】Concept Design - Valhalla

3K View2023-10-12
This is the battlefield where nameless heroes fight. It is the Courageous Corridor that leads to the coming end.
Valhalla, the location of its residence, was originally a huge abyss that pierced the World Tree's roots and directly communicated with Midgard: the "Great Void". However, the ark of the gods was stranded and aground in this void by the "Darkness" that surged out of it. Thus, the famous Hall of the Slain was constructed based on the wreckage of the ship.
It is said that the Valkyries who serve the Allfather, the king of gods, would guide the souls of great heroes from the "Great Void" here for endless battles in training for the imminent "Twilight".

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when will you release the game it's been ages


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