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Honkai: Star Rail
Honkai: Star Rail Leaks Feixiao's Kit and Light Cone

Honkai: Star Rail Leaks Feixiao's Kit and Light Cone

978 View2024-07-31
Leaks of Honkai: Star Rail have unveiled Feixiao's abilities and Light Cone, providing insight into her team position. Feixiao, a five-star unit from the path of Hunt, will debut in version 2.5 alongside Moze and Lingsha. As a Wind unit, Feixiao is a foxian character with distinctive features, including pointed ears, a flurry dress, knee-high boots, and leg belts. Her weapon appears to be a hybrid of a sword and gun, with further details expected to be revealed in the version 2.5 livestream.
Recent leaks from Sakura Heaven have revealed that Honkai: Star Rail's Feixiao will use a five-star Light Cone with a unique passive. Called Venture Forth to Hunt, this weapon increases the wearer's CRIT rate by 15% and gives stacks of Luminflux. Each stack of Luminflux enables the character's ultimate damage to ignore 9% of the enemy's defense. As per leaks, players will use materials like Artifex's Gyreheart, Meteoric Bullet, and Artifex's Cogwheel to enhance Venture Forth to Hunt.
🔸Honkai: Star Rail's Feixiao Delivers Single-Target        Damage
Leaks from Sakura Heaven have also provided details on Feixiao's skill set, suggesting it will be based on single-target damage. Upon using her technique, Feixiao enters the Onrush state and pulls in targets within an area. She gains a SPD boost and one point of the Flying Aureus effect. The character's skill and basic attack deal Wind damage to a single target and scale off ATK. Her ultimate, on the other hand, reduces the enemy's toughness regardless of its weakness type and deals a certain amount of damage. One thing to note is that Feixiao can use her ultimate after collecting six Flying Aureus points.
Feixiao's traces provide four Flying Aureus points and increase follow-up CRIT DMG by 60%. Honkai: Star Rail players will spend Tracks of Destiny, Meteoric Bullet, Regret of Infinite Ochema, and more materials to upgrade these traces.
Feixiao will take on the main DPS role for her team. She will allegedly arrive in the first phase of Honkai: Star Rail's version 2.5, during which several rerun units will also be obtainable. As per the schedule, the upcoming update will arrive on September 10.
In addition to Feixiao, Honkai: Star Rail's version 2.5 will feature Moze and Lingsha, who follow the path of Abundance and Hunt. They will excel at dealing Fire and Lightning, respectively. Both characters are expected to arrive in the second phase of the update.
                                          - Rahul Gamerzz
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kisaa shoo

they always make female characters so op. yet my jiaoqiu get nerf.... 🙂


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Rahul Kumhar



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