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Bear's Restaurant
Bear's Restaurant - androidgamesreview's Posts - TapTap

42 View2025-01-10
Warning: This game contains heavy subjects which can be triggering to the audience. Bear's Restaurant is a visual novel game about having a restaurant in heaven. The game consists of multiple characters visiting the restaurant to enjoy their favourite meal one last time. The two main characters are the bear and the rabbit who cook and serve the food to the customers. The overall concept of this game is really good and grasps the attention from the start. The artwork is cute and very detail oriented. I have already played some games from the Odencat publisher, So I was aware of the game design. I really liked playing this game, however I found the story to be a bit disappointing. In the sense that even though it was unique it wasn't of my type. I found it unnecessarily complex and lengthy. Most of the episodes of different characters were engaging but many heavy subjects were covered. And none of those episodes began with a warning, because I wasn't in a mental space to read that. I still continued but the overall story of this game was something I didn't like much. As I mentioned, I have previously played games from Odencat, so this one as a game was just okay. Other aspects of the game, such as music ,and visual effects followed the same pattern as their previous games. Which I indeed like all the time. In spite of that it's a decent visual novel game.
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