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Arknights: Endfield Reviews

Arknights: Endfield Reviews

THIS WILL BE NEXT BIG HIT! | Arknights: Endfield Global Tech Test Review!

For some background. Arknights: Endfield is a real-time 3D RPG spinoff game in the Arknights franchise developed by Mountain Contour and published by Gryphline that moves away from the traditional and static tower defense format of the original games. Instead, Endfield adopts a more involved and real-time style of combat that has players taking direct control of their operators that will put your tactics and stratagems to the test.
THIS WILL BE NEXT BIG HIT! | Arknights: Endfield Global Tech Test Review!
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

NEW RPG Gameplay Deep-Dive - Arknights: Endfield Review Technical Test

Subscribing to the channel will grant you exclusive access to a hidden cheat code for real-life awesomeness. Okay, maybe not, but you'll definitely get access to epic gaming content, laughs, and a community that will make you feel like a gaming legend! // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxGaming:  @ShadyFoxGaming  // ShadyFoxMusic:  @ShadyFoxBeats  // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) Give me a like and subscribe to see more game reviews for upcoming (mobile) games, release dates, and beta testing to get an early insight into what you should expect.
NEW RPG Gameplay Deep-Dive - Arknights: Endfield Review Technical Test
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

This Game was a Mind-Blowing Experience! | Arknights: Endfield Quick Review!

Arknights: Endfield’s technical test is here and we got the privilege to try out the game early and test the waters. First and foremost, Endfield is an action RPG, and as the Endmin, your jobs range from building resource gathering and refining structures to repelling dangerous threats that inhabit the surface of the planet. Combat is in real-time and very engaging, and starts the moment you get into range with the enemy. Fighting is another resource-management test, where you must balance the attacks and specials of your four-man squad to break enemies and emerge victorious.
This Game was a Mind-Blowing Experience! | Arknights: Endfield Quick Review!
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

Arknights: Endfield News

The world of Arknights is expanding once again. Welcome to the Endfield.
Arknights: EndField Demo Gameplay (Mobile/PC)
Why Arknights Endfield Is Solving Mobile Gaming's Biggest Problem | Featuring @Cha0tik
THE LAST GACHA YOU'LL EVER PLAY... | Arknights: Endfield | 2023's Biggest Anime RPG

This NEW Real-Time RPG Will Blow You Mind - Arknights: Endfield Review

Subscribing to the channel will grant you exclusive access to a hidden cheat code for real-life awesomeness. Okay, maybe not, but you'll definitely get access to epic gaming content, laughs, and a community that will make you feel like a gaming legend! // ShadyFox Socials: // ShadyFoxGaming:  @ShadyFoxGaming  // ShadyFoxMusic:  @ShadyFoxBeats  // Sponsors & Business: [email protected] (open to offers) Give me a like and subscribe to see more game reviews for upcoming (mobile) games, release dates, and beta testing to get an early insight into what you should expect. 00:00 INTRO 00:13 RELEASE 00:47 MODES 01:09 STORY 01:59 COMBAT & GAMEPLAY 03:17 INDUSTRIAL 03:40 SUMMARY
This NEW Real-Time RPG Will Blow You Mind - Arknights: Endfield Review
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

Can Endfield Be the Sequel Saver of Arknights? My hands-on Test with ENDFIELD!

🎮 Game: Arknights: Endfield 🍭 Platform: Android  iOS  PC ✨ Genre: Construction丨Anime-style丨JRPG 🤞Game Experience: Endfield provides a JRPG-style game with exploration and combat. Initial gameplay is engaging with linear progression and rewarding exploration. 🪩 JRPG Style Combat and "Energy Sphere" System: Combat hinges on auto-attacks and strategic skill usage. The unique Energy Sphere system and boss fights emphasize skill management.
Can Endfield Be the Sequel Saver of Arknights? My hands-on Test with ENDFIELD!
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

Can Endfield Be the Sequel Saver of Arknights? My hands-on Test with ENDFIELD!

🎮 Game: Arknights: Endfield 🍭 Platform: Android  iOS  PC ✨ Genre: Construction丨Anime-style丨JRPG From May 1, 2019 to November 10, 2023, four years after 'Arknights' debuted, Hypergryph has initiated the first technical test for the new installment in the Arknights series, 'Arknights: Endfield'. What's it like to play 'Arknights: Endfield,' a game amassing anticipation amongst fans with fully immersive in-game scenes?
Can Endfield Be the Sequel Saver of Arknights? My hands-on Test with ENDFIELD!
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


Before the catastrophe worsens, we must eliminate all hazards, save the survivors, and restore the base to full operations. Our operators are ready for action. Let us begin, Endministrator. Support Me & Subscribe! : http://bit.ly/2rXGXZ6 Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRockFWT Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock89/
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


2019年5月1日~2023年11月10日,自《明日方舟》上線四年之後,鷹角終於開啟了明日方舟系列新作《明日方舟:終末地》的首次技術測試。 對這款舟遊玩家倍加期待,遊戲PV場景拉滿的遊戲來說,《明日方舟:終末地》玩起來到底是啥感覺? TapTap 第一時間體驗了《明日方舟:終末地》的技術測試,請收看這份體驗報告。 箱庭體驗:很大 但很輕巧 《明日方舟:終末地》是箱庭還是開放世界,一直是大家倍加關注的問題。 上手測試之後,我們可以確定的說——是箱庭,但是體量極大,設計精巧的箱庭。 這裡就說到了地圖部分。我們知道終末地是“箱庭”,與無縫的開放世界大地圖不同,由多個小地圖串在一起。 每個小地圖的​​箱庭結構,地形地貌,都有著風格各異的設計,谷底通道、樞紐區基地、採石場等,或是被遊蕩的天使和裂地者怪物覆蓋,或是擁有大量重工機構和建築群。這些箱庭地形結構不同,地形各有風味。 可以收集“醚質”而箱庭遊戲設計的精巧可以從「近路系統」看出一二。
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


在2022年3月份發佈了兩則視頻預告后,《明日方舟:終末地》的官方號已經沉寂了五百多天了——這對於一款已經正式公佈了的游戲來説,絕對是一段漫長的時光,甚至不少玩家已經逐漸淡忘了這款備受期待的《明日方舟》系列新游。 但就在今天,《終末地》的官方號發佈了全新的PV與實機演示視頻,並宣佈將在近期開展技術測試。顯然,在這五百多天的時間裏,鷹角并沒有無所事事,他們為這款全新作品完善了諸多内容和細節,而今天發佈的視頻中就隱藏了大量有趣的信息,筆者也將爲諸位簡單分析。 首先自然是大家最關心的游戲類型問題,從演示視頻以及官網介紹中可以瞭解到,《終末地》是以即時策略與RPG的玩法結合作爲主要賣點的。 從實機演示的内容中可以看到,《終末地》沿襲了《明日方舟》獨特的二次元畫風,以及風格一致,但是更加酷炫的UI,在角色登場等細節方面也做了更多的填充,每位角色進場和變更裝備時都會有專門設計的動作。 實機演示視頻的開頭, 也展示了一場簡短的戰鬥,戰鬥中玩家可以編隊四位角色(主要操控其中的一位,不被玩家操作的角色都將會自動攻擊)。玩家能夠選取任意一位場上角色施放僅能,在角色大招充能滿之後,大招將會替代技能的按鍵,允許玩家施放有著酷炫演出動畫的大招。
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

THIS BOSS WAS INCREDIBLE! Tech Test Final Boss Gameplay / Reaction | Arknights Endfield

Take on the role of a key member of Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake. Together with your leader Amiya, you’ll recruit Operators, train them, then assign them to various operations to protect the innocent and resist those who would thrust the world into turmoil. Certain threats have resurfaced to stand in our way. As of now, Endfield Industries urgently requires a test run to collect crucial data. For every mile we push into the frontier, the environment becomes more hostile and the enemies more dangerous.
THIS BOSS WAS INCREDIBLE! Tech Test Final Boss Gameplay / Reaction | Arknights Endfield
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

I played the technical test of Arknights: Endfield, is it More JRPG or Construction Gameplay?

From May 1, 2019, to November 10, 2023, four years after the launch of Arknights, Hypergryph has finally released the new installment in the Arknights series: Arknights: Endfield. Highly anticipated by fans of the franchise, what does it really feel like to play Arknights: Endfield, a game with fully packed PV scenes? I have experienced the technical test of Arknights: Endfield firsthand. Please look forward to this experience report.
I played the technical test of Arknights: Endfield, is it More JRPG or Construction Gameplay?
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

THIS GAME HAS EPIC BOSS COMBAT! 3rd Boss Gameplay / Reaction | Arknights Endfield

Take on the role of a key member of Rhodes Island, a pharmaceutical company that fights both a deadly infection and the unrest it leaves in its wake. Together with your leader Amiya, you’ll recruit Operators, train them, then assign them to various operations to protect the innocent and resist those who would thrust the world into turmoil. Certain threats have resurfaced to stand in our way. As of now, Endfield Industries urgently requires a test run to collect crucial data. For every mile we push into the frontier, the environment becomes more hostile and the enemies more dangerous.
THIS GAME HAS EPIC BOSS COMBAT! 3rd Boss Gameplay / Reaction | Arknights Endfield
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

Arknights: Endfield - A Mind-Blowing Experience *Epic Gameplay & First Impression!*

Arknights endfield gameplay! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SOCIALS Facebook---https://www.facebook.com/ACGamerYT/ Discord- ACGamer0558 Elite Gaming Discord: https://discord.gg/7XYwhhYExn Background Music------- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdV-lOmSEg4 like and subscribe Peace
Arknights: Endfield -  A Mind-Blowing Experience *Epic Gameplay & First Impression!*
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


Endfield Industries Company is a renowned high tech contractor on Talos-II and an active contributor to planetary development projects. COORDINATE RECORDS. A key objective of Endfield Industries is to establish self-sufficient power and technology production lines in the barrens. Support me and my content by subscribing here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ts0cha0tik?sub_confirmation=1 BECOME A PART OF THE FAMILY! Join our Discord: https://discord.gg/dWeDDWWxAz
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield

THE LAST GACHA YOU'LL EVER PLAY... | Arknights: Endfield | 2024's Biggest Anime RPG

Everything you need to know about Arknights: Endfield in 2023-2024. Become a Patron over on Patreon! https://stixy.me/Patreon Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Sauce: https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/12539859 Check out other videos in the THE LAST GACHA YOU'LL EVER PLAY series: https://stixy.me/LastGacha What is Arknights: Endfield? Does Arknights: Endfield Have a Narrative? Is Arknights: Endfield an MMO?
THE LAST GACHA YOU'LL EVER PLAY... | Arknights: Endfield | 2024's Biggest Anime RPG
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


Here are my thoughts on Arknights Endfield after playing it for about a week! Support Me & Subscribe! : http://bit.ly/2rXGXZ6 Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRockFWT Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock89/ For Business Inquiries : [email protected]
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


    時隔近兩年,鷹角網絡新IP《明日方舟:終末地》終於再次有了新的資料片,還公佈了實機錄製的視頻,並直接宣布將在11月10日進行首次測試,在官網開啟了測試招募。(目前僅看到大陸測試招募鏈接,但相信其他地區的測試招募也快開始了,有意向的小夥伴們還請多多關注,避免錯過信息) 那麼現在,就跟筆者一起來看看新視頻都有些什麼內容吧。 新篇章,舊日影 筆者觀看PV開頭時,便見到了不少前作《明日方舟》中的影子: 有形似凱爾希的少女 頭生雙角,疑似陳家後裔的陳千語 酷似雪怪小隊的著裝     看完這些,我一個老刀客塔(前作玩家諧音稱呼)內心既激動又複雜:這簡直就是給一直期待此作的玩家們最好的禮物!在遙遠未來的星河彼岸,見證曾經經歷的故事生根發芽,而後締結新的傳奇! 接下來的介紹,也都將圍繞新與舊碰撞的主題進行,讓我們繼續吧。 美術:一如既往,熟悉又令人安心     打開遊戲實機,映入眼簾的是鷹角(遊戲製作公司)一貫的
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


在2022年3月16號,鷹角發佈了“終末地”的先導預告PV,給大夥狠狠地畫了一張大餅。 後來一直沒什麼動靜,被人笑稱大餅都沒做好,還是麪粉甚至小麥,終末地是小麥地 今天鷹角突然發佈了終末地的全新預告PV,實機演示,以及最重磅的開啓內測招募。 看完PV和實機演示,還是有很多讓人值得期待的點的。跟着視頻看看這餅味道如何~ 全新的舞臺,全新的起點 根據PV和官網提供的信息,這次故事的背景離開了泰拉大陸,來到了同世界觀下的一全新星球——塔衛二。 玩家將扮演身份神秘的管理者來履行自己給自己的勞務合同(你醒啦,你給自己留了份工要做哦),來塔衛二的終末地大力發展生產力~ PV裏可以看到飛船投放了一個類似冷凍休眠倉的東西(博士同款石棺),可能是用臉着地的,所以給爺摔失憶了吧。雖不是同一個星球,卻是同款失憶2333 醒來就是似曾相識的面孔(這不我家大貓貓嗎),凱爾希是編號Ama-10的人造人,這小貓貓可能是Ama系列最新款或者老款(脾氣看起來比大貓貓好多了)
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield


如果要談論剛剛釋出最新實機PV的《明日方舟:終末地》,那麼你絕對無法繞開兩個問題: 是什麼?會好玩嗎? 是什麼? 開放世界·自動化基地建設✕二次元即時戰鬥RPG·養成 被虛無縹緲的遊戲分類名詞繞昏了頭?讓我換個說法—— 幸福工廠(Satisfactory)✕Granblue Fantasy:Relink 對這兩個遊戲有些瞭解的人看到這裡估計已經笑出聲了。(可能有部分人是因為GBF:Relink這張餅的經歷笑出來的。) 笑出來的那些,不用懷疑,你已经得到答案了。 我一直認為自動化基地類遊戲應該算作模擬經營大類,鑑於當前遊戲玩法交融的情況越來越嚴重,找出一個新遊戲的核心展示玩法中有多少經典特徵從而去給其下定義也變得越來越難。 不過,就實機PV所展示的內容而言,終末地的主線玩法並不難猜: 在一片開放世界(箱庭版)地圖裡打雜兵養成,解鎖新物品/功能/章節/系統,同時從無到有建造與拓展一座自動化的基地(恐怕你還得保衛它)
Arknights: Endfield
Arknights: Endfield
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