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Valiant Force 2 Reviews

Valiant Force 2 Reviews

Valiant Force 2 - IS IT WORTH THE HYPE!?

The hit anime-style tactical role-playing game series is back with Valiant Force 2! Enter the realm of Arathos! A tale of justice, sacrifice and heroism awaits! Support Me & Subscribe! : http://bit.ly/2rXGXZ6 Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRockFWT Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock89/
Valiant Force 2 - IS IT WORTH THE HYPE!?
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

A surprisingly solid gacha take on Final Fantasy Tactics

There's never not a new gacha game just around the corner, but I'm still always going to try them and see if they're any good. Luckily I can report that the recently launched Valiant Force 2? Yeah, it's pretty good! Like many gacha games, Valiant Force 2 is an RPG, but it leans more on the strategy side of things, with a battle system that reminded me of long nights spent grinding away at Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation. Between some delightfully challenging encounters and a compelling job system, I've been glued to my phone for over a week now working through the fairly lengthy main story campaign.
A surprisingly solid gacha take on Final Fantasy Tactics
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 - A FAN SERVICE Filled Art Style Gacha Game that is LOADS OF FUN

Valiant Force 2 is a recently released anime gacha game that I found myself playing for quite some time and for the most part it was fairly enjoyable. The story part of the game has a lot of cinematics and conversational cut scenes, but while the early cut scenes did have voice acting, once you progressed further into the game, the voice acting was removed and you were left reading the story. I personally am not a fan of these sorts of situations, I'd much rather they stick with the voice acting if they are going to start off with it.
Valiant Force 2 - A FAN SERVICE Filled Art Style Gacha Game that is LOADS OF FUN
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 News

Costume Showcase - Nadia's Sunkissed Babe and Reiner's Tide Seeker
Meet the Highborns
Coming Soon: Guild Raid Beta!
It's Global Launch Day!

Valiant Force 2 - Hype Impressions/SEA Launch/Summons Hype

You can watch more reviews on My YouTube VALIANT FORCE 2 GAME Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos. The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
Valiant Force 2 - Hype Impressions/SEA Launch/Summons Hype
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2


The hit anime-style tactical role-playing game series is back with Valiant Force 2! Enter the realm of Arathos! A tale of justice, sacrifice and heroism awaits! You can also join the channel and become an active member by clicking to join button to have access to more emotes and additional behind the scenes content.    / @guitarrockfirst   Support Me & Subscribe! : http://bit.ly/2rXGXZ6 Twitter --
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2


Should you play Valiant Force 2? What exactly is it? WATCH ME STREAM EVERY WEEKEND! https://stixy.me/Twitch Watch me stream over on Twitch: https://stixy.me/Twitch Artist Sauce: official Read more: https://www.mmobyte.tv/ FOLLOW ME ヽ(´▽`)/: Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/mmobyte Twitter: https://twitter.com/ByteStix/ All credit is given (in the form of "sauce") to the original creators of every piece of art used.
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 - Rewind Impressions/It Is Legit/A Good Side Game

You can watch more reviews on My YouTube Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos. The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
Valiant Force 2 - Rewind Impressions/It Is Legit/A Good Side Game
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 | Pass or Play?

⭐ Subscribe to Exus Network http://www.youtube.com/@exusnetwork for new games, reviews, pass or play, podcasts, game content, and more! ⭐ Exus Network; http://www.youtube.com/@exusnetwork ⭐ Official Twitter; https://twitter.com/ExusNetwork ⭐ Official Discord; https://discord.gg/ajCDp2tCd5 ⭐ Meet The Team On Discord 👑 JoshVerse 👑 ★☆ Gherky the Gacha Grindr ☆★ 👑 THEONE
Valiant Force 2 | Pass or Play?
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 | First Impressions!

⭐ Subscribe to Exus Network http://www.youtube.com/@exusnetwork for new games, reviews, pass or play, podcasts, game content, and more! ⭐ Exus Network; http://www.youtube.com/@exusnetwork ⭐ Official Twitter; https://twitter.com/ExusNetwork ⭐ Official Discord; https://discord.gg/ajCDp2tCd5 ⭐ Meet The Team On Discord 👑 JoshVerse 👑 ★☆ Gherky the Gacha Grindr ☆★ 👑 THEONE
Valiant Force 2 | First Impressions!
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Will try this for SURE!!

I just cant refuse Gacha games with girl knight and I really love the art design for the 2d part. usually, I am not a big fan of the chibi style, but this game seems expressive. I definitely wanna give this game a fair spin for a while to see if it sticks. ( take a look at this amazing character art !!!!!)
Will try this for SURE!!
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2


The hit anime-style tactical role-playing game series is back with Valiant Force 2! Enter the realm of Arathos! A tale of justice, sacrifice and heroism awaits! Support Me & Subscribe! : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbqh6Ugfa872kU1t3cVWGOQ/join Twitter -- https://twitter.com/GuitarRock69 Follow Me On Twitch -- https://twitch.tv/GuitarRock69 Discord Channel : https://discord.gg/27aC9bh Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/GuitarRock69/
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Project V | The long-awaited sequel of VF

I have played all titles from XII Braves. Valiant Force (VF) is one of the few games that I could have recommended if they love tile-based tactics strategy games with lots of hero customization, party/team creation, and structure building that will surely be worth a lot of fun hours of playing that ended last December 2019. Valiant Force 2 is the long-awaited sequel to the critically acclaimed Valiant Force, released in 2016. It has been 6 years since then and now our Heroes are back again in the world of Arthos to defeat chaos and evil.
Project V | The long-awaited sequel of VF
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

THIS SRPG HAS FINALLY RELEASED! Madeleine Gacha Pulls & Gameplay Showcase | 「 Valiant Force II 」

Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos. The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
THIS SRPG HAS FINALLY RELEASED! Madeleine Gacha Pulls & Gameplay Showcase | 「 Valiant Force II 」
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 - The WAIFUS are SPICY In This Gacha Game!

I recently tried the game Valiant Force 2 and while I wasn't a complete fan of the in game graphics. The art work for the characters and the overall gameplay was fun enough to let it slide. Definitely worth taking a look at. Subscribe to my YouTube Channel:
Valiant Force 2 - The WAIFUS are SPICY In This Gacha Game!
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Healthy game for F2P

Pros: - The aura battle system kinda unique - U can doing just well without paying money, since the difference in stats between Rarity is not giving so much advantage. - Have skip story button for lazy gamer. - The story is fun enough to play through, not just auto and u can easy beat the map - Really have potential with new modes that the devs gonna add up in new patches. Cons: - Take much time for a battle due to Aura system, although it has 2x speed, but I think that just won't enough.
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 - Global Launch/What Goodies Did We Get?/Women Have 1 Size In This Thiccc!

You can watch more reviews on My YouTube Set a decade after the events of Valiant Force, we return to the realm of Arathos as it is once again thrown into chaos. The disappearance of the Crystal of Arathos and its guardian, Leon Daracan, has exposed the land to dangers from beyond its shores. The people of the realm find themselves increasingly polarised; some hold on to their faith in the Hero of Arathos, while others condemn him for his apparent betrayal.
Valiant Force 2 - Global Launch/What Goodies Did We Get?/Women Have 1 Size In This Thiccc!
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Valiant Force 2 Guides

Eleanor Lashin's Infographic
Octavia Nerva & Misato Hayashi Infographic
Event Guide: Trial of Valour
Drake Seibert's Infographic

My F2P Arena Team DESTROYS P2W Scrubs 💯 ((Valiant Force 2 ~ Gameplay / Commentary))

Today we're taking on 3 back-to-back Arena Opponents; all of which were much higher combat power than ours (especially the 2nd and 3rd 👀)) I'll keep these up as long as yall like the gameplay and analysis! Guides are still gonna be flowing in, but we need to have some fun as well. Let me know your thoughts!
My F2P Arena Team DESTROYS P2W Scrubs 💯 ((Valiant Force 2 ~ Gameplay / Commentary))
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2

Reacting to the HUGE NEW UPDATE / Banners & Tower of Lost Souls Event ((Valiant Force 2))

This content patch was huge but... is it good? Here's everything I have to say on the subject!
Reacting to the HUGE NEW UPDATE / Banners & Tower of Lost Souls Event ((Valiant Force 2))
Valiant Force 2
Valiant Force 2
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