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Blood Strike
No Aim Assist | Blood Strike

No Aim Assist | Blood Strike

975 View2023-11-12
🛑 Important! Mobile game developers should not implement aim assist and auto shoot or auto drive (in race games). It doesn't help the player in harnessing more skills. It makes games not competitive and results in no fun. 💯
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🛑 No Aim Assist \\ Manual Aiming | Blood Strike
🛑 Important! Mobile game developers should not implement aim assist and auto shoot or auto drive (in race games). It doesn't help the player in harnessing more skills. It makes games not competitive and results in no fun. 🤧 🕉️ My YouTube: KARBI STEEL 🕉️ Ranked Match Rainbow Six Mobile: NO AIM ASSIST 🕉️ No Aim Assist Handcam: WARZONE MOBILE
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Aim Assist Ruins the Skill Based Gameplay | Blood Strike
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🛑 Aim Assist = 🍼👶🏾 | Blood Strike
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