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Mewtwo X and Zacian have been nerfed 😮

Mewtwo X and Zacian have been nerfed 😮

233 View2023-11-14
I'm literally crying from happiness right now😭, and I'm sure most other players are.
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ankush YT1K2023-10-20
Along with miraidon, these are the nerfs/buffs that are coming in the next update
To summarize the patch notes BUFFS: Delphox, Zacian, Blissey, Pikachu, Leafeon, Meowscarada, and Trevenant NERFS: Dragapult, and Crustle. Mega Mewtwo Y & X: The more points you have in your inventory, the longer their mega form lasts. Charzard: Unknown stats This is what we know about the patch so far. Credit for this information goes to: Eevee on Twitter 👇
RIP: Iris
I personally think iris became useless. She can heal and KO waaay better before the update. —Sindri who’s always been present at any match can now heal, boost recovery effect and continous health regeneration —Hunter’s 2nd active: healing field —Labula can now heal same way like chemist and summon eternal generator —Zero Kelvin can turn into snowman and restore HP —Johnny jet: health regeneration
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