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Snowbreak: Containment Zone
SnowBreak is testing a system where the pity counter remains even if a non-rate-up SSR is drawn.

SnowBreak is testing a system where the pity counter remains even if a non-rate-up SSR is drawn.

843 View2024-05-17
SnowBreak Containment Zone is testing the removal of the 50/50 system on banners, where the pity counter will not reset even if a non-rate-up SSR is drawn.
To implement a gacha banner without the traditional 50/50 system, the CN division has initiated beta testing applications. According to developer comments on Bilibili, this new banner is expected to debut in the upcoming v1.8 update. Additionally, the gacha system will be designed to ensure that the pity counter does not reset when a non-rate-up SSR is drawn.

Source: Weibo
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both are looking so pretty and sexy🤪🤪🤪


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Its a big waste of time I spent 19000 crystals but couldn't get banner SSR 🤬 No Gacha pity or pull count limit system, feels like you are gambling. Worst Gacha Ever like Destiny Child. It caps power level, so can't play through the story Useless events not at all rewarding Feels repetitive At one time even the rewards like upgrade material will be of no use as ur SSR capped at 0 start The SSRs are extremely hard to come by
so you get 1 guaranteed ssr, then it's locked behind paid gems, then you have 180 pity, & when you pull 50 & get nothing, it starts getting boring. It's ok but I don't play gachas just to constantly pull nothing.
Tsundere Enthusiast 1K2022-08-04
Firstly,This game is the most generous gacha because the gacha system is so good that you can get SSR even when you don't have the pity. Secondly,Even after you get SSR your pity won't reset. (The standard pity for a guaranteed SSR Weapon is 80) Thirdly,When your beginner there is a quest that when you get 700 points you will get a ssr selector box that you can use to get what SSR weapon you want.
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