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Tales of Terrarum
Tales of Terrarum Review: Honest Thoughts

Tales of Terrarum Review: Honest Thoughts

595 View2024-08-31
Tales of Terrarum is an RPG that is rich in lore, Character development and strategic gameplay. As expected of any newly released mobile game it does have its pros and cons which will be discussed in this article.
1️⃣ World-Building
- A stand out feature for Tales of Terrarum is the expansive universe created by developers. Players are drawn into a world with distinct regions, lore and culture, making the game progression feel rewarding and significant.
2️⃣ Deep Storyline
- Many players (including myself) appreciate the compelling narrative displayed in the game. The game features intricate plot lines that unfolds whilst playing such as character development and moral dilemmas.
3️⃣ Strategic Combat System
- The balance between strategy and action in mid-late stages of the game has to be appreciated. Some stages could require the use of 'skill cards' for example that can heal, increase attack speed or summon minions to help you in battle.
1️⃣ Technical Issues
- Some Users have experienced FPS delays and game crashes. Developers are working hard to fix these problems in their patch note updates.
2️⃣ Reptitive Side Quests
- Though the main story is highly praised some feel the side quests requiring stage completions or character upgrades to break the overall immersion in gameplay
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