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My personal top 5 games of all time

My personal top 5 games of all time

3K View2023-05-215 games listed
It’s my birthday today. I’m turning twenty-two and there’s nothing that I hate more than getting old. These fleeting moments of happiness. These celebrations that pass within a mere flicker of time and the ticks and tocks that prove my mortality true. Time is the enemy, and I can do nothing to beat it. The best I can do is relish the moments that have passed and enjoy what remains. I hate getting older, but with each year passing, I learn to appreciate everything that has ever existed in my life, including games—so I thought it fitting to celebrate this wonderful, depressing day through the glorious pastime that defined who I am now. Games! Here are my personal top five games of all time that you need to play right now.
Halo Infinite screenshot
Halo Infinite
Halo Infinite

0 Want


I wouldn’t be writing this or probably playing games if it weren’t for the Halo franchise. I was around five or six when I first laid my hands on Halo: Combat Evolved and I remember playing it with my brother. It was one of the most enchanting and memorable moments in my life and since then, I've played almost every game in the franchise. There’s just something magical about blasting away aliens and saving the world that only the Halo franchise ever really perfected in the sci-fi genre and to this day, I still come back to that legendary experience, more so through Halo Infinite.

Dragon Nest M screenshot
Dragon Nest M
Dragon Nest M

0 Want


Dragon Nest has always been and probably always will be my favorite MMORPG. I’ve spent the last decade playing the game here and there since its release and have met a bunch of friends through it. Dragon Nest is a free-to-play fantasy MMORPG with an extensive list of character classes to choose from and customize, all with different specializations and abilities too. There are over a dozen dungeons, quests, and an almost endless amount of content to relish. I personally spent most of my time taking down dungeon bosses with friends in Dragon Nest and have enjoyed the challenge ever since.

League of Legends (PC) screenshot
League of Legends (PC)
League of Legends (PC)

0 Want

Action RPGBuild & battleStrategyPvP

I’ve probably spent over five thousand hours playing League of Legends and I don’t regret any of it. League of Legends has been there for me the most out of all the games that I’ve played in my life and for good reason; it’s the best MOBA in the world. Even though I played Dota 2 and spent a thousand hours on it before even touching anything else, League of Legends has ultimately been the more enjoyable game for me. It’s also extremely addictive. With over a hundred champions to play across each match and many more different item compositions to build in them, League of Legends is complex, diverse, and ever-changing. Add in patch updates that tweak and balance different aspects across the game, a constant supply of content every month or so, and literally hundreds of cosmetics to collect and League of Legends is one of the most action-packed, content-filled, and enjoyable MOBAs in the world—one that I've enjoyed for the past decade.

Counter-Strike 2 screenshot
Counter-Strike 2
Counter-Strike 2

0 Want


I never played Counter-Strike: Source growing up so Counter-Strike: Global Offensive was the next best thing when I was a teenager. I really enjoyed playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive because not only was it fun and exhilarating, but it was also pretty challenging especially since I wasn't a great shot. I met a lot of people through this game and have enjoyed relishing all the different game modes and maps it has to offer like Mirage and Dust 2. Even to this day, I still play it from time to time whenever I have the itch to play an amazing FPS title.

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition screenshot
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

0 Want


Unlike most kids growing up, I spent most of my time planning battle strategies and building armies in Age of Empires II. I was probably around six when I first played Age of Empires II and it was one of the best times in my life. I loved playing the campaign and learning about different historical characters like Genghis Khan and Joan of Arc and even enjoyed playing the single-player mode where I got to build my own city and battle against others.

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Barry Dewey
Barry Dewey

Happy birthday


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