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Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest
Best pvp strategy game: Warhammer Chaos & Conquest

Best pvp strategy game: Warhammer Chaos & Conquest

410 View2023-12-12
In last years i have tried almost every strategy game avaible for mobile. Lets be honest, overall they are all pretty much the same, one game that has realy stood out for me in the past years is Warhammer: Chaos & Conquest.
Whats good?
Well many things, the graphics, the lore, the game mechanics. A very simple yet detailed game, with one of the best visual desings i have seen in the game.
Warhammer CC, does not have tons of mini games, but the constant game events, always keep you busy, and for those who like to grind mobs and npc armies, this is a more than we could ask for.
Lets not forget about the amazing community, devs constantly creating new events and adding new features to the game.
Overall the game is also very friendly to f2p players, but it could take some time to mature.
The game offers different builds and you can chose to play your own Chaos god, such as Khorne, Slanesh, Nurgle, Tzeentech and Undivided faction.
What i want to say is, the game is good, there are still some p2w aspects, but if you play on a long term, and with being patient and smart, you can realy enjoy the game.
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Scion Author

It really surprises me how many gamers haven't tried the game yet, also when looking at the web, so many negative reviews. I guess some really hate it when a game is enjoyable.



I also love Warhammer CC. Started playing it a few months back and got seriously hooked. Graphics, game play, lore - and the team behind it is stellar. They truly respect the free-to-play model, which is rare.


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